Projection mapping offers a more immersive and interactive experience, allowing for dynamic visuals and unique effects that cannot be achieved with a static LED video wall.

LED walls are an incredible technology but we believe that there are many instances where projections are able to create a more immersive, captivating, and visually impressive display for live events and permanent installations.

Be sure to check out this article on a few of the top reasons why we say so.

  • Non-Destructive Installation: Unlike LED walls that require drilling, hanging, or attaching hardware to your surfaces, projection mapping systems are non-destructive. No matter what type of surface you want to project onto, our system won't cause damage. Buildings, walls, sidewalks, trees, water fountains, sculptures, and so many more mediums are all available.

  • Cost-Effective: Projection mapping systems may look expensive at first glance, but when compared to the costs of LED walls, they’re much more affordable. LED walls require maintenance and repairs that can add up over time. With projection mapping systems, you can achieve stunning visuals without the high costs associated with LED walls.

  • A Better Looking Experience: LED walls tend to have pixelated and choppy images that can detract from the overall experience for your audience. With projection mapping systems, you have the ability to project a seamless, high-resolution image that will captivate your audience and elevate the experience. Not to mention the LED walls hide the beauty of the architecture behind them!

  • Everyone Has Seen a Screen: Our projection mapping systems offer a unique and immersive experience that cannot be replicated by a static LED video wall. With the ability to dynamically alter the environment and interact with the surroundings, projection mapping creates a truly unforgettable experience for audiences.

  • Environment and Weather: Our projection mapping systems are built to withstand the rigors of harsh climates, featuring durable and weather-resistant materials that can endure intense sun, heat, snow, and wind. This stands in contrast to LED video walls, which are vulnerable to damage from weather and environmental factors, making outdoor installations much more challenging and costly.

  • Glare and Natural Light: Video projections are easier on the eyes than LED walls due to their softer, more diffused light. Additionally, video projections offer a wider range of brightness and color temperature options, allowing for a more natural and comfortable viewing experience.